

Beyond Coffee was born out of my love for Maine, farming and food. I have been closely involved in the organic movement and producing specialty food products in Maine for the past 35 years. Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, MOFGA, has been holding The Common Ground Fair since 1977. The Common Ground Fair is a agriculture fair held in September which promotes organic, sustainable agriculture and living. The food at the fair is legendary for being delicious. All of the food must be made from organically farmed and harvested Maine ingredients, the ultimate in local food. This means coffee could not be offered. My solution was Beyond Coffee. After months of experimentation I arrived at a robust balanced blend of organic barley, rye and chicory, all of these ingredients can be grown in Maine. Beyond Coffee was a hit at the fair and I began selling it to local markets. Beyond Coffee has a rich, full flavor and is brewable just like regular coffee.


1 tbsp per 8 oz cup

Methods for brewing:
-Drip Coffee Maker (Cuinsinart, Braun & Krups work great)
-French Press

Beyond Coffee can be brewed and stored in the refrigerator and reheated

Mix Beyond Coffee in with regular ground coffee
and brew to reduce caffeine consumption

Experiment and Enjoy!